Evershine Care

4844 Calle Bella Ave
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Assisted Living

Evershine Care - Where compassionate care shines through!

Evershine Care is a community-based facility, providing residential options for the elderly, believes in promoting of functional independence through positive environmental and behavioral supports.

Our assisted living facility with private and semi-private fully furnished rooms and bathrooms two large common areas and all-inclusive services. At Evershine Care, we believe in providing the best nutritional options for our clients. We also believe that to offer the best options, we must empower our clients to make positive food choices. Our dedication to teaching and encouraging healthy eating is unparalleled. Our residents are encouraged to make choices that benefit their health.

Residents are encouraged to learn about the foods they choose and to get involved in the growing process. It gives our clients a sense of pride and independence to plant and care for their gardens and see the fruits of their labor.