Bentley Commons at Paragon Village is a residential senior living campus dedicated to providing independence, social interaction, and leisure activities for seniors looking for exceptional service...
Dover, New Jersey
Senior Living Communities
Bentley Commons at Paragon Village is a residential senior living campus dedicated to providing independence, social interaction, and leisure activities for seniors looking for exceptional service...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language, or just relaxing with the...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language, or just relaxing with the...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language, or just relaxing with the...
CareOne at Livingston Assisted Living also features a dedicated Harmony Village unit, where senior residents who have Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other memory conditions receive specialized...
Let CareOne help you take the worry out of long-term care. Our knowledgeable specialists can help you and your family navigate all of the care options available. Plus, you and your loved one will...
CareOne at Livingston Assisted Living also features a dedicated Harmony Village unit, where senior residents who have Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other memory conditions receive specialized...
Set in a charming residential area in western Essex County, Atria Roseland is a senior living community where older adults can live more independently, with discreet support from a caring, 24-hour...