BeeHive Homes of Marana

6180 Mamie Kai Drive
Marana, AZ 85743
Assisted Living

BeeHive Homes takes great pride in its facilities, staff, and residents. All facilities are exceptionally clean and well maintained to consistently provide a welcoming and nurturing environment. Our staff is hand-picked to assure they are not only qualified from a skill level but hold values and standards that support our mission and core values; they are well trained and represent BeeHive Homes professionally and ethically. As a result, our residents are happy and can truly call their BeeHive Homes “home.”

Our residents enjoy the following:

  • Private furnished rooms with one-half or three-quarter bathrooms, emergency call systems, and cable and telephone hookups—residents are, of course, encouraged to bring any personal items to make their residence their own
  • Maintenance-free living with daily housekeeping and weekly laundry services
  • Three home-cooked, dietitian-approved meals daily as well as snacks available throughout the day
  • Assistance with dressing, bathing, medication management, personal hygiene and grooming, and continence management
  • Activities to promote daily physical fitness and creative and social interaction
  • 24-hour trained professional staff