Braybrook Assisted Living Facility

7532 State Road 52
Bayonet Point, FL 34667
Independent Living

For over 25 years, Braybrook Assisted Living has provided residents with exceptional service, earning us an outstanding reputation in our field. Our nursing and personal care services are uniquely tailored to meet all of your individual needs in a home-like environment.

Every aspect of our service, from independent to total care, is wrapped in our core values of comfort, security, dignity, and respect. Choose from one of our 27 private or semi-private suites nestled amongst a beautiful commons area with access to a stunning private courtyard.

We provide you peace of mind knowing that we are providing the absolute best care available for your loved one. The options are limitless when it comes to the day-to-day care we can provide.

Our services restore independence to your loved ones. We take all the worry out of getting your loved ones to their medical appointments, assuring prescriptions are correctly filled, and all the activities of daily living met. Meals, laundry, entertainment, and shopping are all taken care of so your family member no longer needs to feel like a burden to you. We hope you will plan a visit soon, in hopes that your family can become a part of our family.