Caring Village of Davie

4681 S.W. 66th Ave.
Davie, FL 33314
Assisted Living

We are special because we are a small facility that caters to the needs of twenty privileged residents. Smaller is better because your loved one does not get lost in the shuffle. We deliver that personalized care at all-inclusive pricing that assures you peace of mind.

We have been serving the needs of the memory and mobility impaired for over 20 years. We have an exceptional staff to resident ratio that allows for the close supervision and hands on care that your loved one requires. The staff is continuously trained in the care of residents with Alzheimer’s disease. Our extremely low staff turnover rate and staff to resident ratios insure an exceptional proximity of care.

Meals are home cooked and individually tailored to the needs and capabilities of the residents. Nutritional supplements are available to our residents at no extra charge as part of our global pricing plan.

The facility is secured, alarmed and equipped with a fire sprinkler system. We practice continuous quality improvement and as such seek opportunities for improvement from our staff, residents, families, physicians and community. The health of each resident is important to us and most services are provided to the resident in house.