Chateau of West Bloomfield

6740 Dartmoor Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Assisted Living

Chateau Of West Bloomfield, located in West Bloomfield Hill, Michigan provides the following services: Assisted Living, Senior Community, and Alzheimer's Care. It accepts the following payment methods: Veteran's Benefits. Accommodations at Chateau Of West Bloomfield, start at $2,500 a month. Note that there are no hospitals within a 10 miles distance. The zipcode (48304) in Michigan, where Chateau Of West Bloomfield is located, has an above average safety rating based on recent crime statistics.

Chateau of West Bloomfield is an assisted living facility. Assisted living facilities are an apartment-style habitat designed to focus on providing assistance with daily living activities. They provide a higher level of service for the elderly which can include preparing meals, housekeeping, medication assistance, laundry, and also do regular check-in's on the residents. Basically, they are designed to bridge the gap between independent living and nursing home facilities. When thinking about how to pay for care, assisted living facilities are generally less expensive than nursing homes, if assisted living is a viable option for your loved one.

Also, Chateau of West Bloomfield is a Senior Community. Senior communities are for seniors who can take care of themselves. It is often a set of apartments in a variety of sizes from studios to large two bedrooms, where seniors live independently, but may receive additional services like transportation, pools, a convenience store, bank, barber/beauty shop, resident laundry, housekeeping, and security, are all services and amenities that may be provided there.

Also, Chateau of West Bloomfield facility provides Alzheimer's care. This means it has special safeguards for wandering seniors, and caregivers are trained in handling dementia behaviors.

Thank you for your interest at Chateau of West Bloomfield. Please give us a call to schedule a free tour.