Compassionate Senior Care LLC

4029 W Hayward Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Assisted Living


Compassionate Senior Care LLC provides in-home care services and solutions that enrich our clients' lives and help them maintain the highest possible level of independent living. We treat each of our clients with respect and dignity, as if they were a member of our own family. We are dedicated to promoting the physical and emotional well-being of our clients.

Homemaking service and Companion Care Service:

Our caregivers will offer company and friendship. Some of the services offered by companion care include: Reading a book out loud, visiting with neighbors and friends and playing games. With homemaking services, clients will receive added bonuses. Some services provided will be light housekeeping, meal preparation and Laundry.

Physical Disability Support:

Arthritis, physical disabilities, and age-related conditions are some of the few circumstances that prevent patients from caring for themselves. Our caregivers can assist you with daily tasks such as mobility, eating, exercising, and grooming.

Care for Dementia/Alzheimer Patients:

Our experienced and highly trained caregivers provide the highest quality of care to both patients and their families. Our goal is to help individuals and their loved ones live happy and fulfilling lives.

Medication Reminders:

The proper administration of multiple medications throughout the day can be a challenge for most people, especially for the elderly. Our caregivers will assist by reminding clients to take their medications.

American Veterans Care Connection:

Are you a Veteran who served at least 90 days of active duty? Was at least one of those days during a war? Are you a surviving spouse of a veteran? Are you in need of assistance at home? If you answer YES we can assist!

Meal Preparation:

Planning and cooking meals can not only be physically challenging but seniors may also have a lack of desire to cook. We offer meal prep service and this will allow clients to enjoy home-cooked meals.

Hygiene Services:

  • Bathing & Showering assistance
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Bed Baths
  • Shaving with electric razor assistance
  • Grooming
  • Toilet and Incontinent Care

Light House Keeping:

Keeping a clean home can be a difficult task. Daily upkeep requires lots of energy and time. Clients who experience a lack of mobility or ill can find it challenging to stay on top of daily tasks. Our caregivers can help!