Crescent Senior Living

11052 S. Grapevine Cove
Sandy, UT 84070
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

Crescent Senior Living in Sandy, UT offers its assisted living and memory care residents an active and vibrant community in elegant surroundings. Crescent and their team of professionals help ensure that life here is exciting, from well-designed apartment homes with convenient features to delicious dining and enriching activity offerings.

The Life Inspired program in assisted living and our distinctive MONTESSORI MOMENTS IN TIME™ memory care programming offer daily activities for residents based on preferences, passions, life experience, and overall wellness.

Regardless of how you choose to spend your day in our community, our friendly staff is here to provide all the resources needed to make life easier, more comfortable and more joyful. Care is available based on individual needs and includes assistance with personal care, medication management, and more. Families and residents find peace of mind knowing their loved ones have staff on hand to help if needed, an intentionally designed community to help keep them safe, and activities and outings that encourage socialization and physical and mental well-being.