Prince of Peace III

7420 Maple Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

Set in an ideal location, Prince of Peace III Assisted Living has been offering premiere care in a home-like atmosphere for 20 years.

We offer all-inclusive pricing and can handle complex medical issues in a loving environment. Prince of Peace III has a "small town" feel and is located in a residential neighborhood filled with local conveniences and attractions.

You will enjoy Nutritious Meals and Snacks, Mobile Prescription Management, Onsite Activities, Seasonal Field Trips/Outings, Non-Denominational Religious Services, Special Events/Parties Popcorn Movie Nights along with visits from the Boy and Girl Scouts.

We are Wheel Chair Accessible with a stair lift.

We are near the Takoma Park Metro Station, shopping, restaurants, and are directly across the street from the library, park and community center.