Stewart Manor

2027 Woodbourne Ave
Baltimore, MD 21239
Assisted Living

Stewart Manor is dedicated to providing quality care, support and assistance to all residents. This facility and all staff honors the integrity of each resident with compassionate treatment. Our number one priority is a standard of care that promotes the health and safety of each resident.

We provide the comfort of home and a family-integrated atmosphere. We believe the highest form of care is compassion and that each resident is a unique individual whose requirements range from observation to assistance with activities of daily living. This facility provides emotional support, spiritual and social support, medication management, nutritional supervision, preparation of meals, assistance bathing and toileting, laundry and housekeeping services, transportation to appointments, grooming, and assistance with securing healthcare and social services.

The staff of Stewart Manor are qualified to serve the residents based on the level of care that each requires. Service from staff promotes encouragement of the independent ability of each individual and assistance in any area where the residents may be limited.