6 fungal nail treatments that you can try at home

Fungal nail infections are never fun, and they can take ages to heal even with treatment from the doctor. Toe fungus is quite common, showing up on your nail as white, brown, or yellow discolouration. Infected nails that are left untreated can crack over time and thicken, causing pain and pressure to the nail bed beneath. 

Treatment of nail fungus is often topical or in oral medicine form, but it can take between six months and a year to work. Today we’re looking at natural remedies that you can try at home if you’ve already exhausted your other options before removal. 

1. Vicks Vaporub

We know what you’re thinking - Vaporub is designed to help a chesty cough, not to be used as a fungal infection treatment! But stick with us here, because the active ingredients (eucalyptus oil and camphor) might also be able to treat toe fungus. A study that came out in 2011 actually showed that Vaporub had a positive effect on treating fungal nail infections, with another study in 2016 confirming the initial findings. 

To use Vaporub on your fungal nail infection, simply apply a small amount to the affected area at least once a day. Make sure it doesn’t get rubbed off by socks or knocked while the treatment is being done, as this might make it less effective. 

2. Snakeroot extract

Snakeroot, we’re sure you’ll be glad to know, doesn’t involve anything to do with real snakes being in close contact with your feet! Instead, snakeroot is actually an antifungal made from plants in the sunflower family. An older study conducted in 2008 showed that snakeroot extract could be as effective as an antifungal medicine called ciclopirox.

One of the benefits of trying snakeroot extract is that it doesn’t need to be applied as often, so the treatment isn’t quite so exhaustive. You’ll need to apply the extract to the infected nail every third day for the first month, two times a week for the second, and once a week for the third. Just make sure you’re buying the real deal online, as there are quite a few fakes about! 

3. Tea tree oil

Is there anything tea tree oil can’t do? Seriously, it has medicinal properties to help with almost everything and anything. This essential oil contains antifungal and antiseptic properties, so it’s also good for fungal nail infections. There are fewer studies to validate this, but some people swear by it and say that it’s the only thing that helps their toe fungus. 

All you’ll need to do is paint the oil onto the nail twice a day with cotton wool until the fungus has cleared up.

4. Listerine mouthwash

Mouthwash has also been known to help toe fungus thanks to the fact it contains ingredients like menthol, thymol, and eucalyptus. These three magic ingredients have antifungal and antibacterial properties, making them a good option for a natural nail fungus remedy. 

Again, there aren’t many studies to say whether this is an effective treatment or not, but some people swear by it. Simply fill a bowl with amber-coloured Listerine and soak your foot in it for 30 minutes each day. 

5. Garlic

A study taken in 2019 came up with the idea that garlic might have antifungal properties, but little research has been done since then to confirm this. But, if you’ve tried everything else and nothing’s worked, then you might want to try garlic for yourself. 

To do this, place chopped or crushed garlic cloves onto your toenail for 30 minutes a day. We know that doesn’t sound like the most appealing smell to have near your feet, so you might prefer to take garlic capsules to treat the issue from the inside out. 

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another one of those things that seems to have countless health benefits, but there’s only anecdotal evidence on the use of it for treating toe fungus. A 2017 study shows that apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties, so it might be able to kill fungus at its root. However, we require more research on this before recommending it as a surefire fungal nail remedy. 

Try soaking your foot in an apple cider vinegar solution, made from one part ACV and two parts warm water, for up to 20 minutes every day. 

Final thoughts

Fungal nail infections can be incredibly difficult to clear up, with or without the help of medicine. However, there are a few natural remedies that some people have found to be helpful in treating their mild infections. When you’ve seemingly tried everything, one of the treatments we’ve looked at today might just be the secret you’ve been looking for!  

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. The efficacy and safety of alternative treatments for nail fungus have not been universally established, and results may vary. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this article. Use alternative treatments at your own risk.