When news about a new virus from China began spreading in the first weeks of 2020, nobody could have guessed how it would end. We spent more than two years in fear for our health. Most of us were locked in our homes, unable to travel, and socialize.
As the world still counts the social consequences of the pandemic, each of us faces our inner fallouts.
Elderly people were especially exposed to the negative effects of the pandemic. Because of their age, they were at the greatest risks in case of COVID-19 infection. In turn, strict social distancing reduced the chances of infection but amplified their feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Luckily, those days are soon coming to an end. In the meanwhile, here is what you can do to make the days pass by easier.
Social Distance Is Actually Only a Physical Distance
Some experts are warning that a mistake was made when the term “social distance” was coined. When you are supposed to keep 1,5 meters away in order to prevent infection, it is only a physical distance. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t speak to people, smile at them, and be kind.
However, being deprived of touch and hugs can be quite hard. But, that only means that for some time, you need to find other ways to keep in touch with your loved ones and your grandchildren.
For example, you can master apps like Viber and Skype. These apps will allow you to send and receive messages, images, and videos from your dear ones. In such a way, you will be able to communicate with them in real-time, whenever you need them.
Try to Accept Anxiety - It’s Normal
Sometimes, it is impossible to fight anxiety. Being afraid for your health, and the health of those you care about is unpleasant but normal at the same time. Up to some point, anxiety has a clear function: to keep you safe.
However, feeling afraid all the time is not healthy. It puts too much pressure on the nervous and immune systems.
A trick to tackle excessive anxiety is to accept it. Once you do everything in your power to protect yourself, and the fear is still there, just let it be. If accepted, it goes away more easily. The key is to be kind to yourself, whatever you might be feeling at the moment.
Don’t Wait to Ask for Help
As previously stated, although you might be living alone, it doesn’t mean you are trully alone.
In case you get overwhelmed with negative emotions, there are many things you can do. To begin with, you can contact your family and ask for a nice word and support.
Now, if that isn’t enough, there are many opportunities for professional care. Remember that going to therapy isn’t a matter of weakness, but rather of courage.
Also, science offers many alternative methods to improve your mental health. For example, neurofeedback is a method of treating depression that has proven to be quite effective.
Whatever option you choose, it is important to stay open and connected. Hiding suffering will only make things worse.
Find Distractions and Hobbies
In some cases, all it takes is to find an activity that will cut the long hours and fill you with joy. Do you have an old hobby you used to enjoy very much? Now it is the right moment to go back to it.
Another option is to move somewhere more pleasant. Living in a city is not only more risky in terms of COVID-19 infection. Living in an apartment is contributing to feelings of isolation.
Therefore, many people are selling their properties in cities and buying houses in the southern cities. Having a garden, nearby coast and a hiking route can be of great help for your mental health.
Finally, owning a pet is a proven way to fight loneliness. Saving a cat or a dog (or both!) from the streets boosts our feeling of purpose and brings a wonderful being into our lives.
The Ultimate Mental Health Trick Is…
All of the above advice for your mental health can help you go through a period that is hard for everyone. However, the most powerful thing you can do is to be kind to yourself.
Stay present and understand that being nervous, angry, and sad are normal human emotions. With a little patience, they can all be overcome.