In today’s health-conscious society, gyms, and healthcare facilities, why are governments encouraging citizens to exercise and stay healthy? However, from our experience, trying to get into a habit of gyming daily can be difficult, especially if you’ve been out of it for some time. For us, one of the contributing deterrents was how sore our bodies got after doing a workout.
Thankfully, in an endeavour to constantly improve and find more innovative ways to assist people in exercising, things like Red Light Therapy were created to assist us in recovery and more. But does it really help with muscle recovery? Join us as we find out.
What is Red Light Therapy?
Red Light Therapy (RLT), is a non-invasive treatment that makes use of red light to assist people in recovery and to relieve pain. Often confused with UV light, which damages your cells, red light therapy makes use of wavelengths that safely penetrate the skin, reaching the underlying tissue, muscles and even bones. As it does this, the red light interacts with your body at a cellular level.
Essentially, it targets the powerhouse of our cells, the mitochondria. As a result, it revitalises your cells, reducing inflammation in certain areas and boosting tissue regeneration. It’s also been known to improve your blood circulation, allowing for more nutrients to reach your muscles and brain, reducing delayed onset muscle soreness and keeping your mind alert and awake. This means that you’re able to hit the gym again sooner and train more regularly.
The Benefits of Red Light Therapy
We touched on some of the benefits of RLT above, but we wouldn’t do it justice if we didn’t expand on them:
Reduces pain and improves joint durability
As we exercise, whether it be running, weight lifting or callisthenics, we’re putting pressure on our joints with each movement. Over time, the impact of these exercises can leave our joints feeling sore and even reduce our mobility or increase our chances of being injured. Thankfully, research has shown that RLT has anti-inflammatory features, making it an effective solution for relieving joint pain and increasing your mobility again. These pain-relieving features aren’t only for joints, though.
As you lift weights and exert effort, we develop micro-tears in our muscles which is often why we experience pain. As said above, the red light targets the mitochondria in our cells, which ignites our bodies' recovery process, reducing our soreness and helping us fully recover sooner.
Increases your blood circulation
When you’re exposed to red light, it causes vasodilation, which is when your blood vessels widen, allowing larger quantities of blood to pass through the vessels at a time. As an athlete, the benefits of this are fantastic. Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients are transported to the muscles and transformed into energy. The onset result is that you’re able to train for longer and perform better.
Balances your hormones
Our hormones play a significant role in how our bodies develop and how prepared we are to exercise. Some studies have shown that RLT has a positive effect on your body's endocrine system, helping it regulate hormones like cortisol and testosterone. Not only will this help your body balance out how it grows, but it’ll also help you manage stress, anxiety, and other mental factors better, leading to a better outlook and attitude when it comes to exercise and life in general.
Improves your sleep quality
Delayed onset muscle soreness is a real thing, and can be incredibly uncomfortable and can hinder your ability to perform basic tasks in everyday life, let alone exercising. One aspect that muscle soreness can really interrupt is good sleep. By improving your bodies circulation, RLT has been shown to help regulate your circadian rhythm which essentially aids your body in developing better sleep patterns.
The benefits of quality sleep are also important to note when it comes to muscle recovery. When you sleep, your body's ability to recover accelerates, repairing your muscles without interruption and improving your overall mood when you wake up, allowing you to perform at an optimal level.
Tips to maximise the benefits of RLT
As with most treatments, red light therapy doesn’t show results overnight. So, here are a few tips to help you make the most of RLT:
- Be consistent and build a good routine
- Adopt a holistic approach with RLT and use it alongside other wellness treatments
- Focus your RLT on specific problem areas
Interested in taking RLT seriously and maximising the benefits? Find deals for red light therapy here.
Final thoughts
As you can see, red light therapy is a great solution for helping you recover after an intense gym session. While more research still needs to be done to discover its full range of benefits, it’s clear that going for Red Light Therapy assists your muscles as they recover, allowing you to hit the gym sooner and more regularly. Looking for a Red Light Therapy facility on the Sunshine Coast?
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Red light therapy may offer benefits for muscle recovery, but individual results can vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new treatment or therapy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medication. This article does not substitute for professional medical guidance, diagnosis, or treatment. Use red light therapy products as directed and in accordance with manufacturer instructions.