Retirement Life: 3 Relaxing Activities to Help Occupy Your Time After You Retire

So you’ve worked hard your whole life, and now you’re ready to give it all up and relax into your golden years. Well, congratulations on making it this far! 

Unfortunately, there is no prize for reaching retirement age other than having an abundance of free time that you’re probably not accustomed to. This is something that most (if not all) retirees go through once they finally leave the workforce. 

Retirement is supposed to be relaxing. That image that might come to mind of the old couple sitting on the porch swing talking with neighbors about times long gone isn’t too far from the truth. And, while you don’t want to spend all of your time sitting on the porch, you do want to be able to enjoy your retirement days.

Here, we’ll explore a few relaxing activities for seniors that will help you relax into retirement age. 

Go Fishing

It might seem like an ancient cliche, but spending some of your retirement days going fishing is actually quite popular among retirees.

Fishing is a relaxing activity that anyone can enjoy, and most of it requires minimal effort. Not only does this get you out into the natural world, simply being by moving water has a calming effect on the mind and body.

Studies have shown that moving water produces negatively charged ions, which are responsible for enhancing a state of calmness while increasing focus.

So, go out and buy a new Bass tackle kit and dust off the old fishing pole. Head out to the water and prepare to relax yourself into your new lifestyle. And, who knows, you might just end up fishing the day away, and bring home a few keepers. 

Become a Tour Guide

Throughout life, young people have looked to their elders for inspiration, wisdom, and guidance. And, where you can contribute as a community senior citizen is by relaying your knowledge for others to take in, thereby enriching others lives with your own wisdom.

Perhaps there’s an area of the community that you’re exceedingly knowledgeable about. Whether this is a historic site, a natural site, or any other, if you have extensive knowledge on any subject that others would find interesting, consider passing some of your time by giving tours.

Local tours are generally found in communities all over the country, and you can set up your own tour group easily by advertising through other businesses around your community. Maybe you have extensive knowledge of a local graveyard, or of the history of a particular home or district. 

Setting up a tour group is easy, and you can commit to only a few hours a week if you desire.


One of the best ways to pass the time is to engage in a creative activity. Doing anything that requires concentration and hand-eye coordination has its way of relaxing the mind. And, woodworking is a great way to keep busy during the day.

Even if you simply want to create little figurines or build ornate cabinetry, doing so enables you to relax into your creative mind, and it will pass the time quickly as well.

Woodworking is actually a popular activity among retirees, as it allows for you to keep mentally focused on an activity. And, you can even sell your crafts if you so choose. Even if you don’t, woodcrafts make wonderful gifts during holiday time, and they add a personal touch from you, perfect for a grandchild or other family member.

Your golden years are supposed to be a time where you get to be lazy if you want to, or be active if the mood is right. No matter what age you are when you retire, consider doing the things that you’ve always wanted to do but never got the chance to explore. 

Maybe you’d like to take a tour of the country in an RV, or visit all of the national parks. Regardless, whatever you decide to do, just take the time to enjoy it.