Bethel, Connecticut
Senior Living Communities
At The Hearth at Tuxis Pond, we believe that you should live life to the fullest. We have designed residences to meet the physical and emotional needs of our residents, all set on the scenic...
The Atrium at Rocky Hill in Rocky Hill, CT, is an assisted living residence designed exclusively to serving the needs of individuals with memory loss. Our goal, in everything we do, is to create...
Welcome to Allendale Enhanced Senior Living in Bergen County—a community founded on the support, safety, and comfort of all our residents. Here, you can live how you want with all the assistance...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language or just relaxing with the...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language or just relaxing with the...
Imagine having more time to do the things that make you happy: catching up on the best-seller list, getting out to the theater with friends, learning a new language or just relaxing with the...
Focusing on your unique needs and preferences, Sunrise Senior Living takes a holistic approach to senior care. With us, you can expect consistent yet individualized care rooted in evidence based...
Step into a Sunrise Senior Living community and you can't help but feel at home. We stop at nothing to make your experience warm and inviting, from our homelike exterior architecture to our...