As we age, it's more important than ever to educate ourselves about ways to stay healthy, physically and mentally. Here are some articles we've gathered from around the web to help you maintain your optimum state of being. Click the headlines for the original sources.
Walking just a little can really help a lot
More and more research is showing that sitting for extended periods of time is detrimental to your health and your longevity. Now one new study is showing that walking the equivalent of just two minutes an hour can improve your health and add a few years to your life. You may not reach the fitness levels of an Olympic athlete, but you may be able to watch an additional Olympics or two on television.
95-year-old shares tricks behind safe falling
As you start to fall, bend your knees in the direction you are falling and twist at the waist, turning your shoulders away from the fall. That will change the point of impact. Instead of one spot on your hip taking the entire brunt of the fall, the force will be spread out along the length of your leg, thigh and pelvis. When you hit the ground, roll to further dissipate the force of the impact.
Senior Focus: Maintaining gut health
How can I maintain gut health and restore it when it’s been disrupted? These questions are highly relevant to older adults, who frequently develop changes in digestive health and function.
Going High Tech for Senior Health
Laughter is just one of the benefits of having a friend like SARA around. SARA (Stimulating Activities for Residents’ Attention) also offers residents at Heritage Estates in Gering stories and photos, games and music, and can even help preserve residents’ life history and favorite memories. Because of these mentally and emotionally stimulating offerings, SARA’s company is usually in high demand.
Sardinia's Mediterranean diet: 10 foods that may lengthen your life
In the book "The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People," author Dan Beuttner reveals what the people around the world who live the longest are more likely to eat.
Write your own health prescription: get up and move
There's been a movement in the last few years to focus on increased physical activity to improve health rather than exercise to improve fitness.