Charlotte, North Carolina
Senior Living Communities
Brookdale Hickory Northeast provides assisted living residents with lifestyles, housing, and services in comfortable surroundings combined with exceptional amenities, programs, and care. Through...
Brookdale Falling Creek provides assisted living residents with lifestyles, housing, and services in comfortable surroundings combined with exceptional amenities, programs, and care. Through...
Pinecrest is located in Hickory, NC, providing a vibrant backdrop for your new life as a valued member of our caring community.
From pleasant housekeepers, to attentive servers at mealtime...
Continue to enjoy your family, friends, hobbies and whatever motivates you at our wonderful community. We care a lot...
If you can't be at your home, come live at Mary's House. We offer a lovely 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom care home located in a quiet, country setting. Our resident-to-staff ratio never exceeds 1:4. So...