508 Old Austin Hwy
Bastrop, TX 78602
Assisted Living
The health and safety of residents is a priority. A licensed nurse is on site daily (M-F) and every apartment has an emergency call system. Assistance with medications is available.
Excellent amenities and services: free access to satellite and telephone service; full-service beauty and barber shop; mini-kitchen in each apartment; spa facility with whirlpool; daily social / recreational activities; scheduled transportation.
The common areas are tastefully designed with lovely antiques and comfy furniture. It feels warm and welcoming to family and friends. The home cooking is simply the best. Three meals daily, with lots of nutritious, delicious choices.
Excellent amenities and services: free access to satellite and telephone service; full-service beauty and barber shop; mini-kitchen in each apartment; spa facility with whirlpool; daily social / recreational activities; scheduled transportation.
The common areas are tastefully designed with lovely antiques and comfy furniture. It feels warm and welcoming to family and friends. The home cooking is simply the best. Three meals daily, with lots of nutritious, delicious choices.