Avenir Memory Care Westside’s community is composed of two neighborhoods, each of which supports a different level of cognitive function. We call this approach to our community the Cognitive Lifestyle. In the Cognitive Lifestyle, every neighborhood is designed exactly the same. This allows residents to continue to feel at home in familiar surroundings, even as they move through different neighborhoods adapted to their cognitive ability. Our residents have told us how much they enjoy living with people who partake in the same daily activities, classes, and outings, as this builds a community atmosphere that quickly feels like home.
Our highly trained, caring team will get to know your loved one and their personal care plan to provide assistance and support in the best ways possible. We’ll help with all activities of daily living, provide three delicious, nutritious meals each day, and offer activities and events geared toward people living with memory loss, so all of our residents can have fun and feel successful in their daily pursuits. Whether you’re a caregiver looking for a short-term care option, or you’re choosing our community as your loved one’s new home, we’re here to offer personalized attention and care.