CareOne at Livingston Assisted Living

76 Passaic Ave.
Livingston, NJ 07039
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

CareOne at Livingston Assisted Living also features a dedicated Harmony Village unit, where senior residents who have Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other memory conditions receive specialized memory care while living their lives to the fullest in a supportive community. CareOne at Livingston Assisted Living shares its campus with CareOne at Livingston nursing and rehabilitation center, offering a complete continuum of care.

Tranquility Garden is our special advanced dementia and hospice unit located in the Livingston assisted living community that is dedicated strictly to advanced-stage dementia patients and their loved ones. It is a calm, warm and serene home-like environment where families can spend precious quality time with their loved ones along with the added reassurance and support of highly qualified dementia and palliative-trained nurses and home health aides. The designated private area is its own section of the assisted living community, tucked behind closed double doors.
