Garden Crest Assisted Living Facility

909 Lucile Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Assisted Living

Garden Crest

The Right Choice for the Highest Quality of Care!

Professionals in the medical community know that the highest quality of care is provided by Garden Crest. At Garden Crest, residents will receive the elevated standards and personal attention that families have come to expect from smaller, independent facilities, where the owner present on the premises. This personalized care can be missing in large, impersonal nursing home chains. Our staff is committed to providing our residents with superior care. Garden Crest’s quality assurance committee meets regularly to review and adopt the highest quality health and rehabilitation regimens, and works continuously to improve all aspects of the facility’s operation. The highly trained rehabilitation staff at Garden Crest provides consistent, quality care. Residents see the same therapist daily. The administration and health care staff at Garden Crest are available to listen and respond to concerns in a prompt, professional manner. Solving a perceived problem is our top priority! That is the reason our motto has always been: “Quality in not an accident. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, and skilled implementation.”

We take the extra time to talk, to listen, to hug and to celebrate special occasions. A smile with extra sparkle, from a resident, is our reward. We offer assistance with bathing, dressing, medication management and other daily needs. We feature full meal service, housekeeping, laundry, beautician services and a supervised activity program. Complete rehabilitation services are available as well.
