Heritage Independent Apartments is excited to offer Assisted Living and Memory Care services to the seniors of Yorktown, Indiana, and its surrounding areas. Heritage offers a safe and secure environment for our seniors, with a kind and compassionate staff. Our care services are unique to each resident and range from reminders and help with daily activities such as showering and dressing to Alzheimer’s & Dementia care and support.
Heritage’s Life Enrichment program boasts many activities and local outings that give our residents a purpose every day. We incorporate daily spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual activities. Our activities director spends time getting to know residents. She meets with new residents to find out what their interests are and what they enjoy doing most. Monthly events may vary based on residents’ interests and participation.
In addition to regularly scheduled activities such as church services and Bible study, trips to local shopping, and events, we offer educational talks and presentations. Examples of presentations include discussions on health and nutrition, Veterans’ Aid & Attendance, and more.