Laurel Oaks Senior Living

1700 W. Bender Road
Glendale, WI 53209
Independent Living

Laurel Oaks Senior Living is a true reflection of Milwaukee’s North Shore – people come from Glendale, Fox Point, Whitefish Bay, Bayside and surrounding communities. You’ll find your neighbors want to stay current and stay involved. Play bridge or chess? You’ll find a partner. People attend the symphony, theatre, and other cultural events. Guest speakers on topics as varied as “going green”, aromatherapy and local history are regularly scheduled. And there’s shopping trips and lunch excursions in the neighborhood - to Bay Shore Town Square, shops on Silver Spring and Audubon Court. There is always something to do, and someone to do it with.

Laurel Oaks Senior Living is a community of people dedicated to helping you stay healthy, active and engaged so you can truly enjoy this time of life. Everyone who works here has one thing in common: an appreciation and respect for older adults. You’ll see it in the friendly smiles, the genuine interest in stories from the past and the way our staff relates to everyone who lives here.

The activities offered at Laurel Oaks Senior Living match the diverse make-up of those who live here. People at Laurel Oaks are as active as they want to be. Every month there is a full calendar of social and educational opportunities offered, including specialized programs for those with dementia.

In our communities, seniors do not merely reside. They thrive. That’s because ensuring their good health and helping them stay active and engaged isn’t merely part of a mission statement that hangs on a wall, it’s part of our daily routine. And our full-time Lifestyle Director monitors the number and types of programs at Laurel Oaks monthly to make sure that the expected balance of social, wellness, creative, educational and spiritual activities are scheduled. Here are a just a few examples of Laurel Oaks activities:


Stop at the daily Coffee hour and discuss the news of the day. Join the Knitting/Crochet Circle, and volunteer with “Operation Sweet Pea.” Bridge, Mahjong, poker, and cribbage are common games we see groups of residents playing with each other or with outside friends in our various social rooms. Watch a documentary on Tuesday night and other movies Friday - Sunday. Check the calendar to plan a shopping trip, and see what concerts, theatre, sightseeing or lunches are coming up. There’s something to do every single day.

Health & Wellness

Try the daily exercise class, chair yoga, or non-impact aerobics to help increase flexibility and strength. Build strength and endurance with Wii bowling while you play for a league trophy. Try the circuit training or sign up for a massage. And enjoy healthy and tasty dining daily.

Creative and Educational

Try an art class, painting or drawing with a pencil. Learn jewelry making with a wide selection of beads. Or volunteer for another local cause. Take a lifelong learning class that focuses on a wide variety of topics, from modern issues to historical studies. Use modern technology to reminisce about your favorite pastimes, entertainers, and memories, and also to learn about modern fun and educational programs. Many people living at Laurel Oaks have tried new creative hobbies they just never seemed to have time to try before. It’s easy to stay active and involved.


Continue to attend your own congregation or come to weekly Catholic Mass and Communion. Priests and Ministers from the area offer services right at Laurel Oaks. Join a local Rabbi weekly for Jewish studies or Kiddush with Congregation Shalom. Consider attending a program that explores the mind-body-spirit connection. There are many opportunities to remain spiritually nourished. Laurel Oaks is open to all faiths.
