Thank you for your interest in Rest Haven Homes. Founded in 1941, Rest Haven Homes exists today to provide a loving home environment to Christian seniors. Usually, the decision to leave home for a care setting is a family decision. We consider it a great honor that families allow us to assist them by providing a safe, comfortable home for their loved ones. To guard the trust that is placed in us, we work hard to provide the best, most qualified, and most caring staff we can find.
Rest Haven Homes, first of all, is a Christ-centered home. We strive to create an atmosphere where the Lord Jesus Christ will be honored and where those who love Him will feel at home. Then we strive to be a true home. Our mission is symbolized in the overlapping of two hearts in a perfect balance. The words “…by love serve one another…” are not fulfilled simply by residents coming to Rest Haven Homes to be served and blessed, but we find that as we serve, we are blessed in return. Our hearts are warmed and strengthened by the dear ones God sends to join our family at Rest Haven Homes.
We want to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Please look over the information contained in the web site. We trust that it will answer many of your questions and hopefully it will prompt a few more. We encourage you to contact us with your questions via phone or e-mail, or stop by in person and we’d be happy to give you a tour. We would love to have the opportunity to serve you.
Greg Tracy