Sundance Memory Care at Towne Lake

9051 Greenhouse Road
Cypress, TX 77433
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

Sundance Memory Care is a fresh innovative approach to caring for individuals and their families who experience memory loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, or other dementia related symptoms. Sundance is the premier memory care community in Texas.

It is incredibly difficult, at times, to see “the good” as you watch a loved one struggle through the impact of memory regression. Our diligent focus is to lift up and support our residents and their families with a level of care that individually engages the resident and includes their family. You will see this demonstrated as you begin to receive pictures emailed or text messaged to you of progress and successes as we work through your loved ones care plan.

Details matter. Details really matter when it comes to the living environment of someone living with any form of memory regression. The floor plan of the home? Important. The color of the plates? Important. Rounded corners in their bedroom? Important. Each choice made in the layout and amenities of a Sundance community is made with memory care in mind.
