Thompson's Guest Home

22835 Strathern Street
West Hills, CA 91304
Assisted Living

At Thompson's Guest Home we aim to provide the highest quality of care to all residents at all times by making them feel safe, secure and cared for by our team.

We recognize and uphold the resident's bill of rights. We respect the dignity and unique worth of each resident.

We maintain and promote quality of life by ensuring that opportunities are available, accessible and developed in order that every individual resident is assisted and motivated for growth in all dimensions of life being physical, psychological, and social.

  • 24 hour on site supervised assistance from trained caregivers
  • Daily housekeeping service
  • Nutritious meals(3) and healthy snacks throughout the day
  • Assistance with activities of daily living i.e. bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, shaving etc
  • medication reminders
  • Variety of activities
  • And numerous other services with some been offered at an extra cost but most are included our reasonable fee.