West Hills Home Care II

22523 Schoolcraft Street
Los Angeles, CA 91307
Assisted Living

West Hills Home Care is located within West Hills, CA and serves Los Angeles County. The residential home enjoys mild temperatures year round with warm ocean breezes on a regular basis. West Hills is a peaceful, quiet place to reside, but it is also close enough to the beach and Los Angeles to satisfy any curious visitor.

The staff members in this group home setting provide both medical and non-medical support to any senior resident. West Hills Home Care has a number of amenities including:

  • Transportation
  • Dining options and special menus
  • Game and TV rooms
  • Outdoor sitting areas for family visits
  • Regular activities
  • Exercise classes

The group home setting at West Hills Home Care allows seniors to feel right at home. They maintain their freedom and independence while getting the extra help they need. Residents are safe and relaxed as well as comfortable and happy. The quality of life is high due to the extras this residential care home enjoys.
