White Oak Cottages

6 Longwood Dr
Westwood, MA 02090
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care


White Oak Cottages offer a unique alternative for those who can no longer live at home due to memory impairment. Our cottages stand apart from other assisted living options for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease due to our philosophy of care, unique staffing model, and architecture, We are part of The Green House® Project, a national movement to improve and transform long term care.


At White Oak Cottages, we emphasize excellence and compassion in every facet of our operation. Our culture honors and respects Residents and staff alike. It is committed to following research studies that provide evidence based recommendations for appropriate physical design and programming to create an improved environment for those with dementia or other cognitive impairment.


The staff members work as a team and run all aspects of the home. This multi-faceted engagement between the staff and Residents leads to strong bonds and a deep understanding of each Resident. The presence of a nurse 24 hours a day assures that all health issues are monitored and addressed whenever concerns arise.


Each cottage has a living room, dining room, den, kitchen and twelve private bedrooms with their own bathroom. The small scale eliminates long hallways, making it easier for Residents to move independently. The interior layout and décor support the needs of those with memory loss through the use of color and contrast, circular pathways, and bright lighting. The homes offer inviting community spaces, more intimate areas for small gatherings, and the privacy of one’s own bedroom.

The daily rhythms of the cottage are also those of a home. Residents wake up and go to sleep when they want to. They choose what they want for breakfast each morning. Depending on the time of day, someone arriving at the home may smell dinner cooking in the oven, see laundry being folded, or hear Resident’s planning meals with the staff.


At White Oak Cottages, we promote the highest standard of personalized care for those with dementia and memory loss through intensive and on-going staff training, support and feedback. All the aides are certified nurse assistants. We are the only assisted living residence caring for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in the greater Boston area with a nurse on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All staff members, including maintenance personnel, have received specialized dementia training.


White Oak considers the emotional well being of its Residents to be as important as their physical well-being. Whether enjoyment comes from participating in the daily life in the cottage, sharing stories, listening to music, or trying a new hobby, the staff is committed to making every day enjoyable and meaningful for the Residents.


All touched by dementia continue to hope for medical advances to delay, reverse or prevent the progression of dementia. A great deal of research is underway to understand the causes of Alzheimer’s and other diseases which cause dementia. There is other research being conducted to determine how to best manage the daily experiences of those with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. The team at White Oak Cottages tracks these studies in dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders and will incorporate evidence based recommendations into our programming.


In most health care facilities, patients are expected to adjust their daily patterns to accommodate the schedules of the health care team. The team at White Oak Cottages thinks there are better models for those permanently living in a long term care setting. Instead of asking the Residents to give up their personal patterns, White Oak staff members adjust their schedules to accommodate the preferences and daily rhythms of the Residents. Whether Residents like to go to bed at 8 p.m. or midnight, want coffee at 6 a.m. or tea each afternoon, this resident-focused, flexible staffing model allows staff members to respond to individual preferences.
